Give of your time and/or talents in one of the following ways ...
Contribute Funds
Checks may be mailed to:
St. Eugene's Camp
Attn: Kathy Pieracci
9535 Sun Poppy Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762.
How does my contribution help?
Funds donated to camp lower the overall cost for ALL of our campers, offset the cost of adult staff, and enable the camp to provide counselors with a stipend for their week of service.
How can we collect donations?
Every parish of our Pacific Central Deanery is encouraged to collect donations on Sunday, January 22nd, 2023.
Can I designate my donation?
If you would like your donation to be available for scholarships, designate your donation as "General Camp Scholarship".
If you are interested in sponsoring (in part or fully) a specific camper, you can send a check or donate via PayPal and write the camper's name on the memo line.
If you or your parish is interested in sponsoring another specific aspect of camp (i.e. snacks, counselor stipends, medical supplies, t-shirts, etc.), please contact our director, Fr. Andrew Smith (director [AT] steugenecamp [DOT] org).
Encourage Participation
Encourage youth from your parish to attend.
Let them know the dates, location and age range for campers (7 to 17-year-olds).
Share our website, photos, Facebook Page, Instagram, etc.
Introduce them to former campers or volunteers.
Tell them stories or anecdotes, whether personal ones or ones you have heard.
Recruit Volunteers
Volunteers do not necessarily need to have any prior camp experience. What matters is enthusiasm, willingness to serve, and appreciation for the role that camp can play in our spiritual life in Christ.
Even if you are unable to volunteer yourself, perhaps you know someone who exhibits these qualities and would enjoy the camp experience.
Share this website and encourage potential volunteers to reach out to our camp director, Fr. Andrew Smith (director [AT] steugenecamp [DOT] org).
Click the button above to donate via PayPal
Mail a check made out to "St. Eugene's Camp" to our treasurer at
9535 Sun Poppy Way El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Thank you!
Merci !